Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Relief Chef World Cup Competition

To celebrate the 2010 world cup we are running a competition to win a mystery prize. To enter please text or email us and we will reply with your team and blogname. Check the blog to see who has which team and for updates on who’s been eliminated. There is also a prize for the first person to be knocked out!


  1. Teams were selected at random. Good luck!

    FRANCE - Mark B & Mark P
    MEXICO - David S & Dan F
    SOUTH AFRICA - Craig B & Gerry B
    URUGUAY - David C & Steven L
    ARGENTINA - Gavin S & Mark H
    GREECE - Calvin P & Steven B
    KOREA REPUBLIC - Russell L & John G
    NIGERIA - Frazer C & Phil H
    ALGERIA - Yohan D & Paul M
    ENGLAND - Declan R & Sean O
    SLOVENIA - James R & Domonic P
    USA - Ross B & Michael B
    AUSTRALIA - Will J & Dean K
    GERMANY - Kate B & Chris F
    GHANA - Shaun C & Simon W
    SERBIA - Anthony S & Jason J
    CAMEROON - Mike C & Sue G
    DENMARK - Andy N & Aaron N
    NETHERLANDS - Scott W & Rob S
    JAPAN - Tom S & Kevin M
    ITALY - Byrn B & Warren J
    NEW ZEALAND - Mark S & David D
    PARAGUAY - Dumitru N & Casey C
    SLOVAKIA - Paul B & Matt H
    BRAZIL - Anthony S & Lee B
    COTE D'IVOIRE - Mark A & Luke M
    KOREA DPR - Bob T & Dave B
    PORTUGAL - Mark C & Darren R
    CHILE - Scott S & Siggy H
    HONDURAS - Reece B & Ray V
    SPAIN - Chris J & Has P
    SWITZERLAND - Allan P & Mark M

  2. Greek salads won today no mystery prize for me Nigerian Phil...............

  3. Bad luck Mike & Sue - Cameroon are the first out lol

  4. Congratulations to Haz and Chris - Spain are the Champions...your prize is in the post
